Web site de Steven Saylor
Cupido, seu filho, subornou Hórus com uma
rosa para ficar quieto; assim, a rosa se tornou o símbolo da
confidencialidade, e uma rosa pendurada sobre uma mesa do conselho
indicava que todos os presentes juravam segredo.
Sub Rosa ("sob a rosa")
passou a significar "o que é feito em segredo". Assim ROMA SUB ROSA: a
história secreta de Roma, como é vista através dos olhos de Gordianus.
Comentários da crítica especializada“Saylor’s Roma Sub Rosa mystery series is one of life’s pure pleasures!”
(Book Passage News & Reviews)
“Steven Saylor’s engrossing series of popular novels centered around Gordianus the Finder — a kind of Roman Sherlock Holmes.” (Wall Street Journal)
“Saylor puts such great detail and tumultuous life into his scenes that the sensation of rubbing elbows with the ancients is quite uncanny.”
(New York Times Book Review)
“Saylor has acquired the information of a historian but he enjoys the gifts of a born novelist.” (Boston Globe)
“The detail is meticulous.” (Archaeology Magazine)
Lista dos livros
Enquanto os livros foram escritos em uma ordem diferente, eles estão listados abaixo em ordem cronológica:
- Las Siete Maravillas (The Seven Wonders) (2012) — 92-90 BC: The young Gordianus travels to see the Wonders of the Ancient World.
- Corsarios del Nilo (Raiders of the Nile) (2014) — 88 BC: The young Gordianus must travel into the Nile Delta to find a gang of bandits.
- Ira das Fúrias (Wrath of the Furies) (2015) — 88 BC: Gordianus travels to Ephesus during Mithridates' war against Rome
- Sangue Romano (Roman Blood) (1991) — 80 BC: Gordianus investigates a murder case for the famous lawyer Cicero.
- A Casa das Vestais (The House of the Vestals) (1997) — 80-72 BC : Short stories.
- Um Gladiador só Morre Uma Vez (A Gladiator Dies Only Once) (2005) — 77-64 BC: Short stories.
- O Abraço de Nêmesis (Arms of Nemesis) (1992) — 72 BC : Gordianus tries to save the lives of 99 slaves, while Spartacus threatens Rome.
- O Enigma de Catilina (Catilina's Riddle) (1993) — 63 BC: Gordianus is embroiled in the Catiline conspiracy.
- O Lance de Vênus (The Venus Throw) (1995) — 56 BC: Gordianus tries to discover who murdered an Egyptian diplomat.
- Crime na Via Apia (A Murder on the Appian Way) (1996) — 52 BC: Gordianus investigates the death of Publius Clodius Pulcher.
- Rubicão (Rubicon) (1999) — 49 BC: Gordianus investigates a murder close to home as Rome nears civil war.
- Desparecido em Massília (Last Seen in Massilia (2000) — 49 BC: Gordianus looks for his son Meto in the city of Massilia as it is besieged by the army of Caesar.
- Névoa de Profecias (A Mist of Prophecies) (2002) — 48 BC: Gordianus searches for the killer of a seeress.
- A Sentença de César (The Judgement of Caesar) (2004) — 48 BC: Gordianus travels to Egypt in an attempt to find a cure for his wife's illness.
- El triunfo de Cesar (The triumph of Caesar) (2008) — 46 BC: Gordianus investigates a conspiracy to murder Caesar.
- O Trono de César (The Throne of Caesar) (2018) - 44 BC: the Ides of March and the conclusion of the series.
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